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6 Benefits of Using an ERP in the Apparel Industry

In the footwear and apparel industry, the multi-layered resource planning process - from sourcing and designing, to stock management and distribution – involves many different departments and personnel. Consequently, an efficient and cohesive business model can seem like a complex jigsaw, with many operational challenges to overcome. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software streamlines the entire process, providing the capabilities to slash waste and driving efficiency, with critical data organised and stored on a cloud-based platform. If you’re weighing up whether to implement an ERP in your apparel or footwear business, consider the following advantages:

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1. A Streamlined Manufacturing Process

Procuring raw materials in the correct quantities, at the right time and at the right price, is a challenge for apparel manufacturers. Without an ERP, it’s difficult to calculate the volume to purchase, potentially leading to either shortages or surpluses in materials – both of which are costly.

An ERP platform will streamline the process by calculating the necessary volume of raw materials, in addition to providing live information on each stage of manufacturing, such as stitching, dyeing, printing, and labelling. Our ERP for apparel also has a matrix that includes all incarnations of each garment, greatly simplifying the product range.

2. Improved Collaboration

With many people involved in the lifecycle of a single garment, a lack of coordination between teams can lead to errors, duplications, and low productivity. An ERP creates an available repository of information that can be accessed in real-time by colleagues, suppliers, and customers, increasing the speed and accuracy of data sharing.

3. Optimised Inventory Management

Multiple variants of a single garment make inventory management challenging for apparel manufacturers. Due to the demand for rapid shipping of products, tracking stock levels in different warehouses is crucial to an effective operation. An ERP organises stock levels by garment, size, colour, and design, with real-time data providing customers with information about product availability.

4. Secure Access

With data stored centrally in the Cloud, an ERP makes access to information simple from any location. Whether they’re checking the quality of garments in manufacturing facilities, securing sales deals with prospective customers, or evaluating the financial health of the business, the relevant data is only a fingertip away. Security protocols, restricting access to those who need to know, mean your information is safe from prying eyes.

5. Payment And Receipt Management

ERP platforms feature a range of financial tools, including multi-rate price lists, bill modifications, and taxation reporting. Managing your cost-accounting is made more straightforward, benefiting from better communication of payment information.

6. Management Of Queries

Instant access to data empowers staff to respond quickly and accurately to enquiries. Supply chain issues can be detected and resolved promptly, while tracking and delivery information is available on demand. A more responsive service will increase customer satisfaction and bolster the reputation of your brand.

Book A Free Demonstration Of STYLEman ERP

If your business needs a streamlined, centralised approach to resource planning, STYLEman ERP is the answer. To find out more, click here to arrange a free, no-obligation demo, using live data from your business.

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Image source: Unsplash


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